Structural-Health Evaluation for Core Zones of Fill Dams in Korea using Electrical Resistivity Survey and No Water Boring Method

Autor: Sangjong Lee, DongSoon Park, Heui-Dae Lim
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Journal of the Korean Geoenvironmental Society. 16:21-35
ISSN: 1598-0820
Popis: Electrical resistivity survey (2D and 3D) were employed for detection of possible weak zone of core zones of three central core earth-rockfill dams in Korea. In the 2D results, the core zones is lower resistivity zone with less than , and the basement is relatively higher resistivity zone with over . In the 3D results, especially, the weak zone with under was detected spatial distribution area in the dam. We also drilled boreholes to collect soil samples of core zones of each dam. Water was not used during boring, because water for rotary wash boring could cause structural damages in earth dams. We found that the soil samples of core zones from all of the boreholes correspond to CL (USCS), but we also found that the fluidized or water-saturated soil samples were found in lower resistivity zones. Therefore, the electrical resistivity survey and drilling method without water are a quick and efficient method for structural-health evaluation which is detection of possible weak zones in earth core rockfill dams.
Databáze: OpenAIRE