NA/σ optimization strategies for an advanced DUV stepper applied to 0.25-μm and sub-0.25-μm critical levels

Autor: Kurt G. Ronse, Harry Botermans, Kouros Ghandehari, Peter De Bisschop, Luc Van den Hove, Maaike Op de Beeck, John A. Lilygren, Jo Finders, Daniel Claire Baker, Mireille Maenhoudt, Patrick Jaenen, Geert Vandenberghe
Rok vydání: 1997
Zdroj: SPIE Proceedings.
ISSN: 0277-786X
DOI: 10.1117/12.275973
Popis: In this paper, the results of an NA-sigma optimisation study are reported, carried out experimentally for an advanced ASML PAS5500/300 deep-UV stepper. The work has been primarily focused on a 0.25 and sub-0.25 mu m gate layer in a logic CMOS process. A positive and negative tone resist process have been compared in terms of CD control and line-end shortening. Dry etch effects and across-field behaviour has been taken into account. Furthermore the contact level of the 0.25 mu m process have been optimised. Effects of layer dependent NA-sigma settings on overlay have been studied.
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