The Role of Public Participation in the Upgrading of Heritage Environment (Dept. A )

Autor: Asmaa Nasr El Din El Badrawy, Mohamed Taha Al-Azab, Sameh Kadry
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Bulletin of the Faculty of Engineering. Mansoura University. 40:92-107
ISSN: 1110-0141
DOI: 10.21608/bfemu.2020.101912
Popis: Heritage regions in Egypt are Considered one of the most important regions that reflect its history, it contains a set of buildings which telling the story of the historical periods that occurred in Egypt , these buildings have an architectural, historical and artistic value, that must be maintained, the surrounding environment of these buildings are considered an important and complementary elements, as it reflects the persons who are influenced and affected by it in a reciprocal relationship that can't be ignored, some projects have been made to maintain these heritage buildings without any concern to the surrounding environment .which causes a defect effects negatively on the maintain project. So an attention must be paid to the surrounding environment of the historic building, upgrading and developing it comprehensively ,this attention must cover all aspects of social, economic, physical and administrative aspects, within the framework of public participation in order to achieve sustainability of the project, and get benefits which reflects on the inhabitants of the place. So this research aims through this vision to study the historical environment and ways to upgrade and develop all its aspects, also ways of the public participation in the upgrading projects, through an analytical study to one of upgrading projects, and according there are going to be a set of recommendations to improve of dealing with upgrading projects.
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