Combining ability and Gene action studies for yield and fibre characters in Gossypium arboreum using Griffings numerical and Haymans graphical approach

Autor: Sukrutha Bhimireddy, Rajeswari S, Premalatha N, Manikanda Boopathi N, Thirukumaran K, Manivannan A
Rok vydání: 2023
Popis: Background: For the purpose of utilising hybrid vigour to produce possible hybrids with a suitable level of stability, knowledge of gene activity and combining ability is a crucial prerequisite before choosing desirable parents. Results: The present study was carried out with six parents and were crossed in full diallel fashion and generated 30 F1 hybrids. These hybrids were evaluated in two replications in Randomised Block Design at Department of Cotton, TNAU for combining ability and gene action. Diallel analysis was carried out according to Griffing’s method-I (parents+ F1+reciprocals) and model-I and Hayman’s graphical approach by using INDOSTAT software. Analysis of variance for combining ability indicated that mean square values of GCA, SCA and reciprocals were highly significant for all the traits except for uniformity index. RG763 and K12 showed highly positively significant GCA effects for most of the yield characters whereas PA838 and K12 for fibre quality traits and thus found as best general combiners. PAIG379×K12 and PDB29×K12 for yield traits and PDB29×PA838, RG763×PA838 and CNA1007× RG763 cross combinations for fibre quality traits can be recommended for future breeding programmes. Conclusion: The results of both Griffing’s and Hayman’s approach showed that non-additive gene action predominates as SCA variance was bigger than variance, so heterosis breeding is thought to be the more fruitful option for enhancing many traits GCA.
Databáze: OpenAIRE