Effect of liquid on interparticle forces in gas-fluidized beds

Autor: Harry W. Parker, William F. Stevens
Rok vydání: 1959
Zdroj: AIChE Journal. 5:314-318
ISSN: 1547-5905
Popis: In an investigation of the behavior of an air-fluidized bed of glass spheres under varying interparticle forces, the results obtained are explained by hypothesizing the coexistence of particulate and aggregative fluidization. As interparticle forces are increased, a greater portion of the particles are in aggregative fluidization, resulting in a decrease in bed height. In this study water added to the fluidizing air increased the interparticle forces. Up to 0.5 mass % water was used, with a fluidized bed of glass spheres 0.013 to 0.035 in. in diameter. The resulting decrease in bed height has been correlated by means of a theoretical equation for the increase in interparticle forces due to the added water.
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