Diagnosis of Abdominal Wall Defects

Autor: M. Müller, S. N. Truong
Rok vydání: 1999
Zdroj: Incisional Hernia ISBN: 9783642642678
Popis: In general, pathological findings of the abdominal wall and inguinal region are easily accessible due to their superficial location. In most cases, the correct diagnosis can be reached on the basis of history, symptoms and clinical examination. Although ultrasound investigations are part of our standard routine and in the majority of our patients merely confirm the clinical findings, there are, however, two groups of patients whose complaints are difficult to classify: Patients, especially obese people, with palpable masses within deep layers of the abdominal wall Patients with pain and complaints located within the abdominal wall or the inguinal region but without any causative clinical findings
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