Constructing a Map of Physiological Equivalent Temperature by Spatial Analysis Techniques

Autor: Crystal Choi, Thuan-Quoc Thach, Wong, Pui Yun, Paulina, Poh-Chin Lai, Wei Cheng, Man Sing Wong, Alexander Krämer, Chit Ming Wong
Rok vydání: 2018
Popis: Physiological equivalent temperature (PET) is a measure of thermal comfort estimated by considering the integral effects of meteorological parameters and other personal conditions related to heat exchange between the human body and its environment. Warmer average global temperatures as a result of climate change are expected to augment the risks of heat stress and heat-related illnesses. Our ability to quantify geographic variation in heat vulnerability can better assess the relationships between human heat-balance and health outcomes. This article describes a method to construct a PET map by spatial analysis techniques. The method involves an application of the RayMan model based on four widely available meteorological parameters (i.e., temperature, relative humidity, wind velocity, and mean radiant temperature). This approach makes possible the creation of baseline maps to enable paired longitudinal comparisons of health outcomes between spatial thermal groups, even when other suitable data such as land uses or topography were missing or not collected in the past. The resultant PET map comprising of 100 × 100 m 2 units offers a means to examine thermal stress level at sufficient spatial resolution without compromising personal data privacy.
Databáze: OpenAIRE