Het gebruik van correlatierekening, om de homogeniteit van een reeks waarnemingen te controleren

Autor: E. F. Drion
Rok vydání: 1951
Zdroj: Statistica Neerlandica. 5:23-25
ISSN: 1467-9574
DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-9574.1951.tb00571.x
Popis: Summary Testing homogeneity of a series of observations by correlation analysis Four methods of preserving food were compared by having ten tasters independently judge appearance, flavour, consistency and taste of each of four components of the menu. The tasters laid down their judgment in one of the figures o, 1, 2 or 3. For each taster the correlation coefficient was calculated between his 16 totals (4 components × 4 methods of preserving) and the average totals of the other tasters. Divergent results were found for taster no. 1, 4 and 10 (practically no correlation) and taster no. 2 (negative correlation). Taster no. 2 appeared to have used the scale wrongly. This could consequently be corrected. The results of taster no. 1, 4 and 10 were eliminated, which led to better results into the consecutively executed analysis of variance.
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