Yatırım Fonlarının Zamanlama Çabalarının Seçicilik Kabiliyetlerine Etkisinin Değerlendirilmesi

Autor: Ali Argun Karacabey
Rok vydání: 1999
Zdroj: İktisat İşletme ve Finans. 14
ISSN: 1308-4658
Popis: In Turkey mutual funds have a very important role in the capital market as the other institutional investors are not capable to perform their fundamental duty which is to supply long term funds to the market. Though mutual funds have a vital mission to help the capital market to maintain its development. In order to fulfil this duty, individual investors must be informed about the mutual funds. This informing process should start with giving the answers of the questions, what is a mutual fund? Who should invest to the mutual funds? to which fund should we invest? and what is the performance of the fund? The purpose of this article is especially to find out the characteristics of a rational model that can be used to find the answers to the last question. Until today, models employed to evaluate the performance of the funds only take care of the selectivity ability. But in this article it is shown that without taking the timing ability into consideration, results may be biased.
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