NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Explosives Detection

Autor: Lorenzo Capineri, Gennadiy Pochanin, Timothy Bechtel, Tor-Sverre Lande, Ivana Capan, Zeljko Pastuovic, Takeshi Ohshima, Jose Coutinho, Luka Snoj, Antonio Palucci, Stoiljkovic Milovan, Valentin Kolobrodov, Bart Boonaker, Frank Schnürer, Cristiano Stifini, Luigi Carnevale, Claudio Ferrari, Nahida Musayeva, Francesco Sansone, Mehmet Burcin Unlu, Ihor Pavlov, Yuriy Serozhkin, Dušan Gleich, Venceslav Kafedziski, Emir Skejic, Nikola Pavkovic, Zdenka Babic, Graham Turnbull, Mario Muštra, Bulat Rameev, Sergey Tarapov, İlhami Ünal, Bektas Çolak, Levente Tábi, Ra’ed Salameh Alghyaline, Raymond Lane, Tomás Torroba, Israel Schechter, Jean Louis Coutaz, Mohamed Lazoul, Fredrik Laurell, Sergey Piletsky, Volodymyr Chegel, Juan Martinez–Pastor, Florent Christophe, Kostantin Lukin, Sangwook Nam, Iurii Voitenko, Serhiy Bunin, Arnold Schoolderman, Sławomir Neffe, Valery Kukhar, Mirsad Mulic, Milovan Joksimovic, Motoyuki Sato, Daniela Deiana
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics ISBN: 9789402417289
Popis: As of 2017, there are an estimated 100 million abandoned land mines littered across 61 countries. Following the wars in Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Yemen, and Ukraine, there has been a rise in casualties due to the triggering of previously-abandoned explosive devices. The above institutions combined specialties to develop a remotely-operable, multisensor, robotic device for the detection of land mines, UXO (1), and IEDs (2). The robotic detection device uses novel subsurface radar with imaging and target classification to differentiate between threatening landmines and innocuous clutter. The expected outcome of this research is the creation of a multi-sensor system on a semi-autonomous vehicle for detection and discrimination of explosive devices. This robotic platform will change the approach to detecting landmines in post-war zones, all the meanwhile lessening direct human-to-mine or animal-to-mine contact in detecting landmines. Architecture has a high potential to move the procedures of explosive detection toward completely remote and autonomous system.
Databáze: OpenAIRE