Some Botanical Aspects of a Norse Economy in Northern Scotland

Autor: J. P. Huntley
Rok vydání: 1994
Zdroj: Botanical Journal of Scotland. 46:538-541
ISSN: 1359-4869
Popis: Summary In northern Scotland, there is a change from naked to hulled barley sometime around the birth of Christ, although the reason is unclear, and oats were introduced at about this time. Barley cultivation in one area stopped around AD 700; this was possibly related to isolated and early Viking incursions although soil deterioration may have moved cultivation to another part of Freswick Bay. Pollen and macrofossil analyses have been satisfactorily linked and show how they complement each other. Overall the social and economic changes occurring in the north of Scotland during the first millennium AD are obviously nowhere near as clear as those related to the Romans in northern England. Perhaps Earl's Bu will provide at least some of the missing pieces of the jigsaw.
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