Validation of the Bolino and Turnley’s Impression Management Scale in a Mexican Sample

Autor: Santiago Aguilera Mijares, Pedro Wolfgang Velasco Matus, Marina Contreras Moreno, Alejandra del Carmen Domínguez Espinosa
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Acta de Investigación Psicológica. 9
ISSN: 2007-4719
DOI: 10.22201/fpsi.20074719e.2019.3.325
Popis: Impression Management (IM) states that: 1) People know how others perceive them, 2) People attempt to control such perceptions. Bolino and Turnley (1999) developed an IM Scale based on Jones and Pittman’s (1982) taxonomy of five strategies: Self-promotion, Ingratiation, Exemplification, Intimidation, and Supplication. The purpose of this study was to validate the IM Scale using a Mexican sample, evaluating reliability scores and dimensionality. A nomological network for IM was performed considering the Five-factor Personality traits, Social desirability, and Sense of control. Results prove adequate internal reliability and confirm the instrument’s five factor structure. Our psychometric findings support the premise that IM may overlap with other psychological constructs, providing evidence of its construct validity.
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