Advances of far field test range for SatCom On-the-Move terminals

Autor: Gregor Siegert, Wolfgang Felber, Andreas Knopp, Markus Landmann, D. Ogermann, Mostafa Alazab, Florian Raschke
Rok vydání: 2014
Popis: This paper discusses the advances and measurement results of a far field test range for SatCom On-the-Move terminals in Ilmenau, Germany. The test range can be operated in Ku and Ka-band, offering a complete emulation of the conditions typically met by a SOTM terminal. Various real-world motion profiles for the Land Mobile and Maritime environment are available for mobile terminal testing. These motion profiles are obtained from a comprehensive database that was designed and populated during an ESA ARTES-5.1 activity. The described far field range offers repeatable and controllable test conditions, that allow for a fair comparison of different systems. Three different SOTM terminals were tested in Ku-band. The results of these measurements will be compared w.r.t. resynchronization behavior, pointing accuracy and EIRP mask conformity of all systems under test.
Databáze: OpenAIRE