Tracking Translations in the Human Hip

Autor: Erin Janine Smith, Gavin C. A. Wood, John F. Rudan, Randy E. Ellis, Manuela Kunz, Sima Zakani
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Volume 2: Biomedical and Biotechnology.
Popis: Translations of the femoral head with respect to the acetabular cup, in non-impinging zones, was investigated using surgical navigation methods. An ex-vivo study was conducted on five fresh-frozen human cadaver pelvises in distinct dissection states. Each specimen underwent a series of motions that included combinations of abduction/adduction, flexion/extension and internal/external rotations, repeated in four soft-tissue states: soft tissues intact; partially dissected with capsule intact; Z-shaped capsulotomy; and fully dissected and disarticulated. The data showed significant increases of excursions (p
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