The role of SO42− surface distribution in arsenic removal by iron oxy-hydroxides

Autor: P. Patsalas, Manassis Mitrakas, G. Vourlias, N. Pliatsikas, Sofia Tresintsi, Konstantinos Simeonidis
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Journal of Solid State Chemistry. 213:145-151
ISSN: 0022-4596
DOI: 10.1016/j.jssc.2014.02.026
Popis: This study investigates the contribution of chemisorbed SO 4 2 − in improving arsenic removal properties of iron oxy-hydroxides through an ion-exchange mechanism. An analytical methodology was developed for the accurate quantification of sulfate ion ( SO 4 2 − ) distribution onto the surface and structural compartments of iron oxy-hydroxides synthesized by FeSO4 precipitation. The procedure is based on the sequential determination of SO 4 2 − presence in the diffuse and Stern layers, and the structure of these materials as defined by the sulfate-rich environments during the reaction and the variation in acidity (pH 3–12). Physically sorbed SO 4 2 − , extracted in distilled water, and physically/chemically adsorbed ions on the oxy-hydroxide׳s surface leached by a 5 mM NaOH solution, were determined using ion chromatography. Total sulfate content was gravimetrically measured by precipitation as BaSO4. To validate the suggested method, results were verified by X-ray photoelectron and Fourier-transformed infrared spectroscopy. Results showed that low precipitation pH-values favor the incorporation of sulfate ions into the structure and the inner double layer, while under alkaline conditions ions shift to the diffuse layer.
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