A Review of Maciej Górny, Velikaya voyna professorov. Gumanitarnye nauki 1912–1923 [The Russian translation by N. S. Polyakova of Maciej Górny, Wielka wojna profesorów. Nauki o człowieku (1912–1923). Warszawa: Instytut Historii PAN, 2014, 384 ss

Autor: Alexander Liarsky
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: Antropologicheskij forum. 19:209-214
ISSN: 1815-8870
Popis: This text reviews the Russian translation of Maciej Gorny’s book The Great War of Professors. Humanities. 1912–1923. After recollecting the main theses of the work, the review raises a question about the extent to which the extra-scientific knowledge (political, ideological, nationalistic) influences scientific knowledge and whether this influence can be eliminated. Both the book and some current developments lead the review’s author toward rather disappointing conclusions.
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