Immunoaffinity purification of DNA polymerase δ1

Autor: Sheng-Ming Wu, Marietta Y.W.T. Lee, Shan-Jian Zhang, Yunquan Jiang
Rok vydání: 1995
Zdroj: Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics. 320:297-304
ISSN: 0003-9861
DOI: 10.1016/0003-9861(95)90013-6
Popis: A monoclonal antibody against human DNA polymerase delta (pol delta) was isolated with properties suitable for its utilization for immunoaffinity chromatography. The antibody was immobilized after periodate oxidation and coupled to a hydrazide-activated support. Starting from a partially purified preparation, calf thymus pol delta was purified about 200-fold in a single step. Further purification on ssDNA-cellulose resulted in isolation of a homogeneous preparation. The amount of enzyme isolated, ca. 0.3 mg of pure pol delta from 0.75 kg of calf thymus, is about 15-fold greater than can be achieved by conventional procedures. This procedure provides a significant advance in the isolation of pol delta in allowing its facile isolation from tissues in good yield. The isolated enzyme consisted of two subunits of 125 and 50 kDa. Characterization of the enzyme showed that these two subunits remained associated on glycerol gradient ultracentrifugation even in the presence of 2.8 M urea.
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