High-Throughput High-Performance TDMA Through Pseudo-Orthogonal Carrier Interferometry Pulse Shaping

Autor: S. Shattil, Carl R. Nassar, Balasubramaniam Natarajan
Rok vydání: 2004
Zdroj: IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. 3:689-694
ISSN: 1536-1276
Popis: This letter provides a novel method for doubling throughput in time division multiple access (TDMA) systems. Specifically, with pseudo-orthogonal positioning of carrier interferometry pulse shapes, a TDMA system is designed to support twice as many real symbols in a slot, without increasing bandwidth or slot duration. With regard to performance, the doubling of throughput comes at the cost of only 1-2 dB performance degradations at probability of error of 10/sup -2/.
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