Sensing Dispersal of Chemical and Biological Agents in Urban Environments Article

Autor: Edward P. Rhyne, Angela M. Ervin, Anne E. Hultgren, Keith B. Ward
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: Wiley Handbook of Science and Technology for Homeland Security
Popis: The technologies, performance characteristics, and concepts for operational architectures for both chemical and biological agent detection sensors designed to be used in urban environments are discussed. The sensor technologies are categorized by the responses that would be initiated as a result of a positive signal from the sensors, which range from low consequence actions, such as changing building airflows, to high consequence actions, such as the quarantine of areas and distribution of medical countermeasures. Also discussed are the needs for future sensor development efforts. The description of particular technology solutions or detection architectures in this article does not imply the official endorsement of those specific approaches by the Department of Homeland Security. Keywords: chemical threat detectors; biological agent detectors; homeland security; infrastructure protection; large-scale chemical attack; large-scale biological attack
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