Local State Capacity: an Analysis of Bureaucracy’ Professionalization Level and its Eflection on Development

Autor: Paulo Martins Dos Passos, Bruno Barbosa Dib, Eliseu Vieira Machado Júnior, Bruno Garcia De Oliveira, Gustavo Henrique Petean
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: Revista de Gestão Social e Ambiental. 17:e03164
ISSN: 1981-982X
DOI: 10.24857/rgsa.v17n1-018
Popis: Purpose: The current Brazilian State, after a context of patrimonialist formation, seeks to mold itself into a bureaucratic model with significant fragments of managerialism. Concerning to the public management efficiency discussion, the article aims to analyze the technical-administrative state capacity and the development of Goiás State municipalities. Theoretical framework: The theoretical bases for building the concept of state capacity and local development were presented. The articulation of this theoretical framework took place concerning the transition from the patrimonial to the managerial state. Emphasis was placed on historicity and the current conception of the public agent civil and the bureaucratic elements that surround him and, finally, the intersections that underlie the development of the public entity. Method/design/approach: Data from the Municipality Performance Index and the IBGE Municipal Basic Information Survey were used. The methodological approach was based on cluster analysis, descriptive statistics and Pearson's correlation coefficient. Results and conclusion: The results showed that the economic data bundling assists typologies creation of homogeneous municipalities for development analysis, highlighting those that are more dependent on the local public administration. Research implications: It was found that, in a significant number of municipalities, there is a positive correlation between state capacity, professionalization of bureaucracy and development. Originality/value: The results indicate that greater municipal development can be achieved by improving the technical-administrative state capacity and the public service through the professionalization of the bureaucracy.
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