Highly anisotropic, ultra-smooth patterning of GaN/SiC by low energy electron enhanced etching in DC plasma

Autor: Kevin P. Martin, H. P. Gillis, D. A. Choutov, Robert F. Davis, Michael D. Bremser
Rok vydání: 1997
Zdroj: Journal of Electronic Materials. 26:301-305
ISSN: 1543-186X
DOI: 10.1007/s11664-997-0168-7
Popis: Hetero-epitaxial films of GaN(OOOl), deposited on SiC(OOOl) by organometallic vapor phase epitaxy and masked by 200 nm of SiO2, have been patterned by low energy electron enhanced etching (LE4) in hydrogen and chlorine dc plasmas at room temperature. Lines 2.0 µm wide showed highly anisotropic etching: straight side walls, no overcut, no trenching, and no “pedestal” at the base of the line. Root mean square (RMS) surface roughness of the films as grown was 8.5–10A; after LE4, RMS surface roughness of the etched surfaces was 2.5A.
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