Origin of the Concentration Quenching of Luminescence in Zn2SiO4:Mn Phosphors

Autor: T. A. Onufrieva, I. D. Popov, M. V. Rotermel, I. V. Ivanova, N. A. Zaitseva, Rina F. Samigullina, Inna V. Baklanova, T. I. Krasnenko
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Physics of the Solid State. 61:806-810
ISSN: 1090-6460
Popis: The analysis of the unified series of single-phase Zn2 – 2xMn2xSiO4 samples (x ≤ 0.2) has provided the possibility to determine the optimal dopant concentration x = 0.13 for the maximum luminescence intensity. It has been established that the dominating mechanism of concentration luminescence quenching and excitation energy dissipation is the oxidation of some Mn2+ activating ions and the growth of defectness in the luminophore due to this process Phosphors.
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