Optimization Techniques Analysis in Underwater Wireless Sensor Network

Autor: Mamta Mamta, Nitin Goyal, Mamta Nain
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: ECS Transactions. 107:5403-5410
ISSN: 1938-6737
DOI: 10.1149/10701.5403ecst
Popis: By the existence of Underwater Wireless Sensor Network (UWSN) there exists now ample opportunities for researchers, academicians, and industry experts to study and explore marine resources. For exploring and monitoring these marine resources, ocean surveillance, disaster prediction, etc. UWSN connects the rest of the world with the ocean environment. This UWSN network contains enormous number of sensor nodes deployed in the water at different profundity and are interwoven for real-time data analysis, optimized and with a secure data collection. So, to gratify the necessities for rapid development of UWSN, optimization plays an important role. In this paper we first present the introduction about the UWSN and its architecture. Furthermore, explanation about node deployment, node localization, and data collection are presented and also discussed about the optimization strategies for each one. Using simulation results for localization, performance of different optimization techniques is compared. Finally, the paper provides an outlook on challenges that exists in UWSN and act as torchbearer for researchers.
Databáze: OpenAIRE