nstruction of Solar CCHP (Combined Cooling, Heating and Power) Appliance

Autor: Luonan Qiu
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Proceedings of the 2016 6th International Conference on Machinery, Materials, Environment, Biotechnology and Computer.
Popis: This appliance falls in CCHP, generating electricity, heating and refrigerating by photo- electronic effect and photo-thermal effect of solar energy. This appliance consist of butterfly mirror, terminal emitting optical fiber, surface light emitting fiber, thermosyphon, water-cooling system, solar cooker, spotlight system, heating system and cooling system. Sunlight gathered by butterfly mirrors will be transmitted through terminal emitting optical fiber to an airtight system made by four solar panels. The thermosyphon and water cooling system will absorb the heat produced when solar batteries work as well as light and heat that are not utilized by panels. That is how IPCE of solar energy becomes more effective -- the temperature of solar panels decrease. The bottom lays water-cooled blocks to heat water by absorbing unutilized optical energy. After that, temperature of cool water increases to 80 to 100 degrees. And this heated water will be transmitted into lithium bromide refrigerator and heating system. Electric heater, gas furnace and other heating sources may be combined with this system. Compared to conve ntional way to use solar panels, the way mentioned above utilizes thermal energy effectively. This appliance transfer and solar energy to electric energy and thermal energy, and make use of them. Should it be frequently utilized in DHC, electricity consumed by compression-refrigeration equipment is saved, and heating is achieved meanwhile, writing a new chapter in utilizing solar energy.
Databáze: OpenAIRE