Metal Complexes of Alkyne-Bridged α-Amino Acids

Autor: Heinrich Nöth, Wolfgang Beck, Bernd Kayser, Jörg Knizek, Janina Altman
Rok vydání: 1998
Zdroj: European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. 1998:1791-1798
ISSN: 1099-0682
Popis: The palladium-mediated coupling of p-ethynylphenylalanine (p-epa) with different halogenated benzenes yielded alkyne-bridged α-amino acids. A series of cationic mono- to hexanuclear (Ph3P)2Pt complexes with the anions of p-ethynylphenylalanine and alkynyl- or benzene-bridged di-, tri-, tetra- and hexa-ethynyl phenylalanines as N,O-chelate ligands was prepared. N-t-Boc-p-ethynylphenylalanine methyl ester was metal-substituted to give complexes of the types Ph3PAu-C≡C–R and (Et3P)2Pt(C≡CR)2. The benzene-bridged di-, tri-, tetra- and hexa-p-ethynylphenylalanine methyl esters form Schiff bases with ferrocene aldehyde and a tripodal ligand was obtained from Ph2PCH2CH2CH2NH2 and the benzene-bridged tri-ethynylphenylalanine. The structure of (Ph3P)2Pt[NH2C(H)(CH2C6H4C≡CH)CO2]+ BF4− was determined by X-ray diffraction.
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