Linguo-conceptual analysis as an effective technology for organizing scientific and educational activities

Autor: Natalia Chernikova, Inna Sidorova, Victoria M. Shvetsova
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 1691:012192
ISSN: 1742-6596
Popis: The technology of linguo-conceptual analysis is demonstrated, which allows interpreting cultural meanings (concepts) at different historical stages of society through the study of language units, which is relevant both for the scientific sphere and for educational activities. An informative sign (sociocultural concept) integrates the mental picture of an ethnos, its culture and language. On the example of the study of the concept of property and linguistic units representing it, the effectiveness of linguo-conceptual analysis is shown, which revealed an obvious connection between semantic and socio-cultural meanings (concepts), language and culture. The dynamic development of the content structure of the concept and the semantic-pragmatic zone of meaning of its verbal representatives is due to external (social, cultural) factors. In accordance with socio-cultural realities in a specific historical period, the concept actualizes semantic components that are significant for the ethnos, which is reflected in the linguistic picture of the world.
Databáze: OpenAIRE