Pandangan Ekonomi Islam terhadap Sikap Konsumerisme Akibat Metode Pembayaran Tunda Bayar (PayLater)

Autor: Dian Maya Maulida
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: TRANSFORMATIF. 5:131-144
ISSN: 2580-7064
Popis: The marketplace has experienced unprecedented growth in the last few years, which significantly impacts changing consumers' ways of performing their consumption behaviour by offering a new payment method called PayLater. PayLater is assumed to lead people into consumptive behaviour on buying products due to processing the payment later. Notwithstanding, Islam has certain principles regarding consumption activities, including the prohibition of extravagance in personal consumption and collectively. Thus, in Islam, consumption must be based on needs, not just the fulfilment of lust which is, of course, endless. This study examines the influence of PayLater on Muslim consumption. This study uses descriptive research with a qualitative approach. Based on the analysis, this study confirms that Islam guides all human beings, specifically Muslims, to consume based on their ability. Muslims is suggested to manage their consumption which implies that Muslim's consumption expenditure should not be greater than their income, leading to wasteful behaviour. On the other hand, Muslims should not suppress their expenditure which will lead to destruction.
Databáze: OpenAIRE