The role of lactobacilli in restoring normal vaginal microbiota

Autor: Yu.E. Dobrokhotova, K.R. Bondarenko, P.A. Shadrova
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Voprosy ginekologii, akušerstva i perinatologii. 20:126-132
ISSN: 2414-9152
Popis: Achievements of modern science in the field of clinical microbiology, immunology and genetics help to take a different view of the significance of microflora for the human body on the whole. The role of various microorganisms in maintaining the normalization of the female reproductive system is constantly discussed in world literature. The emergence of the method of mass spectrometry has made it possible to identify several hundred types of microorganisms and determine the dominant. Vaginal microbiota is the first line of protection against pathogenic microorganisms in the genital tract. Changes in the content of healthy vaginal microbiome can affect vaginal homeostasis, reducing protective capabilities of the body and thereby increasing women’s susceptibility to infections of the lower genital tract. In addition, the vaginal microbiota plays an important role during pregnancy and childbirth, forming the neonatal microbiome. Despite the importance of studying the patterns of dominance of various types of lactobacilli in the vaginal biotope, there is currently little evidence of their protective function in relation to the female reproductive tract, which remains the subject of study. This knowledge gap is a challenge to the development of effective and applicable treatment methods with probiotic drugs, followed by an assessment of their effectiveness to protect and improve the reproductive health of the female population. Ke ywords: bacterial vaginosis, pregnancy, vaginal probiotics, vaginal microbiome, lactobacillus species identification, lactobacilli, lactic acid
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