The total number of spicules on the solar surface and their role in heating and mass balanace in the solar corona

Autor: F. R. Mustafa, Z. F. Alieva, S. G. Mamedov, M. M. Musaev, D. M. Kuli-Zade
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Astronomy Reports. 60:848-852
ISSN: 1562-6881
DOI: 10.1134/s1063772916080060
Popis: A critical review of determinations of the number of spicules is presented, and the role of both classical and Type 2 spicules in heating and mass balance in the corona is considered. The total number of Type 2 spicules is determined, together with the upward fluxes of energy and mass to which they give rise. The total number of Type 2 spicules on the solar surface is found to be ~105, close to values obtained in other studies. The associated particle flux toward the corona is 2.5 × 1014 cm−2 s−1, an order of magnitude lower than the corresponding flux for classical spicules. The associated energy flux is 104 erg cm−2 s−1, an order of magnaitude lower than estimates obtained in other studies. The results indicate that Type 2 spicules can supply the mass lost from the corona, but are not able to fully explain coronal energy losses.
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