Samoświadomość nauczycieli wczesnej edukacji w kontekście diagnozowania dyskalkulii rozwojowej

Autor: Anna Szkolak-Stępień, Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny w Krakowie
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: e-mentor. 89:78-87
ISSN: 1731-7428
DOI: 10.15219/em88.1514
Popis: The article concerns the self-awareness of diagnostic competence of early childhood education teachers in the field of identifying students’ risk of facing specific difficulties in learning mathematics. Modern times impose on the teacher increasingly complex tasks, requiring new professional competence, which includes incorporating new teaching methods, methodological considerations, and new professional performance quality. That, in turn, raises the questions concerning the state of preparation of early childhood education teachers to recognize and meet the developmental and educational needs of the student resulting from specific difficulties in learning mathematics as well as the competencies they need and should develop. The overriding goal of the author’s research was to find answers to these questions using the diagnostic survey method with the survey technique conducted among 112 early childhood education teachers. In this article, only one aspect of the research is presented, which refers to teachers’ self-awareness of the discussed competences. Based on the conducted study, we can conclude that the examined teachers of early education feel prepared to conduct pedagogical activities aimed at recognizing in their students the risk of developing specific difficulties in learning mathematics.
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