Heteroperreyia andina Malagón-Aldana & Smith & Vilhelmsen & Serna 2019, sp. nov

Autor: Malagón-Aldana, Leonardo A., Smith, David R., Vilhelmsen, Lars, Serna, Francisco
Rok vydání: 2019
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5587495
Popis: Heteroperreyia andina Malagón-Aldana sp. nov. (Figs. 20 a–h, 21a–e) LSID: urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: E4A7E50C-3FBB-484D-A6D6-E00AA45D3A7C Female: Body length 5 mm. Antenna with 10 antennomeres; antenna length 1.6 × head width; scape length subequal to 1.2 × pedicel length; scape as wide as long, pedicel slightly wider (1.2 ×) than long; 1 st flagellomere (f1) length 1.2 × 2 nd flagellomere (f2); antenna clublike, enlarging distally; 5th, 6th and 7th flagellomeres subquadrate; 8th flagellomere rounded (f8), short, half size of 7 th flagellomere (Fig. 20d). Eyes small, in frontal view lower interocular distance 1.8 × eye length (Fig. 20e); space between lateral ocelli subequal to both distance between eye and lateral ocellus, and between lateral ocelli and posterior margin of head; malar space wide, same as diameter of median ocellus. Clypeus truncated (Fig. 20e), anterior margin sinuous; clypeal length 0.5 × its width. Metabasitarsus length 0.35 × total tarsus length; tarsomeres with plantulae simple; claws simple. Fore wing with cells 1R1, 1Rs and 2Rs present, crossvein 3r-m faint but present. Hind wing with cell R1 closed (Fig. 20c). First valvulae (Vv1) oval, wide and short; lamnium with 6 annuli decreasing in width distally; each annulus bordered anteriorly by row of ctenidia, shape of ctenidia change from triangular to semicircular towards distal region of valvula (Fig. 20h), ctenidia length decreasing toward inferior region of valvula; annuli lateral walls bearing circular campaniform sensilla, irregularly distributed along first valvulae (Fig. 21a); dorsal region of annuli with multiple patches of spiniform microtrichia arranged into groups of 7-20 (Fig. 21d); ventral region of radix and part of proximal annuli with single spiniform microtrichium (Fig. 21c); sclerora with multiple marginal campaniform sensilla on each segment; lower margin of each annulus with subquadrate sawteeth slightly projected anteriorly, without serrulae; cypsella (space between two sawteeth) lobate and deep (Fig. 21b). Second valvulae broad, transverse, fused dorsally, tapering distally; 2 nd valvulae with 6 annuli, apical longer than remaining, and acuminate apically (Fig. 21e). Third valvulae with short apicolateral lobes (=scopae s. Ross 1937) (Fig. 21e). Color: Head black. Thorax mainly yellow, with propleura, mesoscutum, and metanotum black; mesoscutellum yellow with large discal black spot; metascutellum yellow; mesoepisternum mainly yellow, with lateral sulcus and discrimen black; mesoepimerum black; metapleura yellow; legs mainly yellow, tibiae and tarsi brownish (Fig. 20a,b). Wings mainly hyaline, with veins brown (Fig. 20c). Abdominal terga mainly black, posterior margin of each segment yellow; urosternites yellow; 3rd valvulae (Vv3) black, 1st and 2nd valvulae (Vv2) yellow (Fig. 20f,g). Male: Unknown. Holotype: ♀. COLOMBIA. Antioquia, Belmira, Páramo de Belmira. 3241m. 6°38’43.9”N, 75°40’10”W. 25- May-2008. Deposited in CEUA. (CEUA-85048). Remarks: H. andina resembles Camptoprium spp. because of the short clublike antenna with 10 to 12 antennomeres; however, the truncate clypeus fits better with the genus Heteroperreyia. As suggested by Smith (1990), it is very likely that Camptoprium and Heteroperreyia belong to the same lineage. With regard to color and number of antennomeres, this species is close to H. sordida; however, in H. andina the urosternal segments and posterior margin of urotergal segments are yellow; furthermore, the 1st valvulae have six annuli only. Heteroperreyia andina constitutes the northernmost record for this genus in South America; the nearest record is for H. costata from Minas Gerais, Brazil. Heteroperreyia sp.: COLOMBIA. Cundinamarca, Bogotá, Barrio Los Rosales Quebrada La Vieja, 2661m, 4°39’02”N, 74°03’09”W, sweep net, 23 January 2012, E. Quintero leg., 1 ♂, (UNAB 900). Chocontá, Vda. Tilata, Hda. La Iberia, 2665m, 5°05’N, 73°40’W, sweep net, 17 October 2015, J. Jiménez leg., 1 ♂, (UNAB 900).
Databáze: OpenAIRE