Intracrystalline Diffusion of Benzene in Ga-Silicate

Autor: A. Tissler, Arlette Zikánová, A. Micke, Martin Bülow, K.K. Unger, M. Kocirik, Peter Struve, M. Wallau
Rok vydání: 1991
DOI: 10.1016/s0167-2991(08)61602-x
Popis: The sorption kinetics of benzene in large Ga-MFI crystals was investigated under constant volume- variable pressure conditions. A complete analysis of the uptake curves has been performed using solution of a nonlinear Volterra equation which describes the interaction of uptake process with the apparatus. Within the time scale of uptake measurements (10 3 -10 4 s) the uptake curves were found to be consistent with the solution of the second Fick's law. Corrected diffusion coefficients were found to be essentially independent of loading within the loading range investigated and in contrast to the system benzene-HNaZSM-5 [1,2] their temperature dependence is much stronger.
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