Design of A Virtual Reality Scenario and Scent Generator for Sensory Training

Autor: Jorge Ortega-Moody, Victoria Russ, Levi Howell, Kouroush Jenab, Yosselin Castro Islas
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Proceedings of the 2020 4th International Symposium on Computer Science and Intelligent Control.
Popis: In the food industry, what makes the difference between a company and its competitors is the quality of its food product, and one of the components that makes quality is the flavor of a product. As trends shift to meet consumer's health and wellness desires formulas are changed with companies trying to retain the same flavoring. This shifting has led to the increased demand of sensory analysis tests. Some of the limitations for sensory analysis is the required space to have the individual booths, time consuming preparation, and material costs. But even with the previous limitations, one of the most important is the training of new users and calibration of existing users. With the development of virtual reality this problem can be more easily rectified by creating a virtual scenario that utilizes all senses and reduces cost of training. The main objective of this research is the development of a virtual scenario for sensory training. This is achieved by recreating a traditional testing environment and training program to analyze scents provided by a scent generator prototype. The methodology will include the design of the training, recreating the environment, programming the interaction with the user and finally the development of a scent generator to release scents.
Databáze: OpenAIRE