Autor: Yuliah Yuliah, Muh. Hasyim, Adriyani Adam
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Jurnal Kesehatan Manarang. 3:50
ISSN: 2528-5602
DOI: 10.33490/jkm.v3i1.35
Popis: Konsumsi sayur dan buah pada remaja sangat penting dimana mengandung zat gizi salah satunya serat. Serat dapat mengatasi kejadian obesitas pada remaja selain itu sayur dan buah juga kaya akan vitamin dan mineral yang berperan dalam sistem metabolisme dalam tubuh termasuk metabolisme energi. Tujuan Penelitian : mengetahui hubungan konsumsi sayur dan buah dengan kejadian obesitas remaja di SMA Negeri 1 Mamuju Tahun 2016. Jenis penelitian : bersifat analitik untuk mengetahui hubungan antara dua variabel secara observasional. Sampel sebanyak 280 orang dengan metode sampling yaitu sistematic random sampling. Hasil penelitian : Konsumsi sayur kategori cukup sebanyak 114 orang (40.7%) dan konsumsi sayur yang kurang yaitu 166 orang (59.3%). Uji chi-square diperoleh nilai p > 0.05. konsumsi buah cukup sebanyak 92 orang (32.9%) dan konsumsi buah kurang yaitu 188 orang (67.1%). Uji chi-square diperoleh nilai p > 0.05. Kesimpulan : tidak ada hubungan konsumsi sayur dan buah dengan kejadian obesitas pada remaja. Saran : perlunya pemberian informasi mengenai pentingnya konsumsi sayur dan buah, Bagi remaja yang mengalami obesitas agar menurunkan berat badan sehingga mencapai berat badan ideal dan untuk penelitian selanjutnya, agar menambahkan variabel yang terkait dengan kejadian obesitas. Kata Kunci : Sayur, Buah, dan Kejadian Obesitas ABSTRACT Consumption of vegetables and fruits in adolescents is very important where the nutrient contains one of them fiber. Fiber can overcome the incidence of obesity in adolescents other than that vegetables and fruits are also rich in vitamins and minerals that play a role in the metabolic system in the body including energy metabolism. Research Objectives: to know the relationship between vegetable and fruit consumption with the incidence of adolescent obesity in SMA Negeri 1 Mamuju Year 2016. Type of research: analytic to determine the relationship between two variables observational. A sample of 280 people with sampling method that is systematic random sampling. Result of research: Consumption of vegetable category enough 114 people (40.7%) and consumption of vegetables is less that is 166 people (59.3%). Chi-square test obtained p value> 0.05. Consumption of fruit is quite as much 92 people (32.9%) and fruit consumption is less that is 188 people (67.1%). Chi-square test obtained p value> 0.05. Conclusion: there is no relationship of consumption of vegetables and fruits with the incidence of obesity in adolescents. Suggestion: the need to provide information on the importance of consumption of vegetables and fruits, For adolescents who are obese to lose weight so as to achieve ideal weight and for further research, to add variables associated with the incidence of obesity. Keywords: Vegetables, Fruits, and Obesity Events
Databáze: OpenAIRE