Determination of Suspension Filtration Parameters from Experimental Data

Autor: Konstantin Mikhailovich Fedorov, Anton Valeryevich Usoltsev, Aleksey Valentinivich Kochetov, Roman Sergeevich Neklesa, Vladimir Alexandrovich Zakharenko, Alexander Vyacheslavovich Kobyashev, A. P. Shevelev
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Day 4 Thu, October 29, 2020.
Popis: The article is devoted to determining the filtration parameters of a polymer-suspension system based on experimental data on the injection of polymer and suspension into a core sample. A dimensionless mathematical model of the filtration process based on the law of conservation of mass and Darcy's law is presented. Dimensionless characteristics of the filtration process (dimensionless effective viscosity and dimensionless parameter that determines the velocity of the polymer slug) are introduced and calculated. According to experimental data, the formation damage coefficient and the filtration coefficient during suspension injection were determined, which are in satisfactory agreement with the theories of polymer slug filtration and deep bed migration.
Databáze: OpenAIRE