Sol–gel deposition and characterization of In6WO12 thin films

Autor: Warren S. Dabney, Nicholas E. Antolino, Annette P. Richard, Doreen D. Edwards, Brian S. Luisi
Rok vydání: 2002
Zdroj: Thin Solid Films. 411:192-197
ISSN: 0040-6090
Popis: Indium tungsten oxide (In 6 WO 12 ) powders and thin films were prepared from a 2,4-pentanedione solution containing In(NO 3 )· x H 2 O and WCl 6 . X-ray diffraction results indicated that phase-pure In 6 WO 12 powder formed after drying and heating the solution at 900 °C. Glancing X-ray diffraction results indicated that thin-film samples prepared on fused quartz substrates at 600 and 700 °C contained a disordered fluorite-related phase whereas those prepared at 800 °C contained the ordered compound—In 6 WO 12 . Films prepared at 900 °C reacted with the substrate to form In 2 Si 2 O 7 . Despite the chemical and structural similarity of In 6 WO 12 to several indium-containing fluorite-related oxides, including In 2 O 3 , In 3 Sn 4 O 12 , and Ga 3− x In 5+ x Sn 2 O 16 , the resistivity of the films prepared in this study ranged from 70 to 720 Ω cm, which is several orders of magnitude higher than reported for the related oxides (approx. 10 −3 Ω cm). The band gaps of the films prepared at 600 and 700 °C were estimated from optical transmittance measurements to be 4.1 and 3.8 eV, respectively. Films prepared at 700 °C exhibited substantial coloration when exposed to n -butyl lithium whereas those prepared at 800 °C did not.
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