Understanding Variety in Urban Community Policing: An Institutional eory Approach Renauer seeks to explain interagency variation in the adoption of community policing eff orts that are designed to stimulate community-building activities intended to enhance sustainable neighborhoods. To do so, he draws on institutional theory, which emphasizes the central role of legitimacy in shaping the structures and behaviors of organizations

Autor: Brian C. Renauer
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Criminal Justice Theory ISBN: 9781315882024
Popis: INTRODUCTION Numerous police agencies in the United States report involvement in community policing strategies (Maguire, Kuhns, Uchida, & Cox, 1997; Maguire & Mastrofski, 2000; Zhao, Lovrich, & Th urman, 1999; Zhao, Th urman, & Lovrich, 1995). Th e 1999 Law Enforcement Management and Administrative Statistics survey, based on a representative sample of 13,000 local police departments, estimates that more than 90 percent of departments serving 25,000 or more residents had some type of community policing plan in operation (Hickman & Reaves, 1999). Sixty-four percent of local police departments report having full-time community policing offi cers (Hickman & Reaves, 1999). No one doubts there is a proliferation of police departments that claim to do community policing. Th e term community policing has evolved into a household phrase recognized by many (Maguire & Mastrofski, 2000).
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