Distribution and interaction of elastic and electromagnetic waves in sea water

Autor: V.I. Korochentsev, M.V. Mironenko, A.V. Alekseev, P.P. Unru, V.V. Korochentsev
Rok vydání: 2002
Zdroj: Proceedings of the 2000 International Symposium on Underwater Technology (Cat. No.00EX418).
Popis: Regularities of parametric interaction of waves of various physical nature (mostly of acoustic wave of sound range and low frequency electromagnetic waves) under their joint propagation in conducting marine medium are considered On the basis of classic hydroacoustic equations of Navier-Stokes and of electrodynamic Maxwell's equations and Ohm's law the possibility of realization of the regularities mentioned above while solving practical tasks of applied hydroacoustics is substantiated.
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