Behavior of Nonhomogeneous Materials Subjected to Bearing Load

Autor: Varun Batra, Carl Ernst Rousseau
Rok vydání: 2006
Zdroj: Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology. 129:248-254
ISSN: 1528-8889
DOI: 10.1115/1.2400278
Popis: The behavior of homogeneous and nonhomogenous materials with linearly varying material property subjected to line loading is investigated using the optical method of coherent gradient sensing. A three-dimensional finite element solution to the problem is first undertaken to establish the scope of the region within which the optical data can be considered to be valid. The numerical results are also used to uncover information beyond that which can be obtained from the experimental method, therefore fostering better understanding of the material behavior. The results suggest structural superiority of materials loaded on the stiff side of the material gradient due to the fact that this loading configuration attenuates stress concentration effects.
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