II-VI Material Integration With Silicon for Detector and PV Applications

Autor: Helio R. Moutinho, S. Sivananthan, Eric Colegrove, Wei Gao, Teresa M. Barnes, Timothy A. Gessert, R. Kodama, Robert C. Reedy, Brian Stafford, Darius Kuciauskas
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: MRS Advances. 1:3391-3402
ISSN: 2059-8521
Popis: Heteroepitaxial growth of high-quality II-VI-alloy materials on Si substrates is a well-established commercial growth process for infrared (IR) detector devices. However, it has only recently been recognized that these same processes may have important applications for production of high-efficiency photovoltaic devices. This submission reviews the process developments that have enabled effective heteroepitaxy of II-VI alloy materials on lattice-mismatched Si for IR detectors as a foundation to describe recent efforts to apply these insights to the fabrication of multijunction Si/CdZnTe devices with ultimate conversion efficiencies >40%. Reviewed photovoltaic studies include multijunction Si/CdZnTe devices with conversion efficiency of ~17%, analysis of structural and optoelectrical quality of undoped CdTe epilayer films on Si, and the effect that a Te-rich growth environment has on the structural and optoelectronic quality of both undoped and As-doped heteroepitaxial CdTe.
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