Development of a Wind Turbine Blade with Dedicated Profiles by Schmitz’s Optimum Dimensioning Systematization

Autor: E. da T. Marcelino, A. B. da Rocha, A. R. de Oliveira, Raimundo Duarte, R. I. Lopes, J. V. de M. Rodrigues
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Mechanisms and Machine Science ISBN: 9783319992716
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-99272-3_38
Popis: The wind energy always has been a source used by man, since antiquity with Dutch mills and sailing craft, but only nowadays, it has become attention center of studies, once glimpsed the economic viability of the application for big scale generation of electric energy, the abundance of appropriate regions in Brazilian territory and their sustainable character, indispensable today. Given this new energy scenario, there is a need to develop new technologies and components that optimize and reduce their cost. Seeing the nationalization of this technology as a way to reduce costs, the objective of this work is the development of a new wind turbine blade, with total power rating of 2.6 MW, power rating control by variation of pitch angle, operational wind velocity of 11.0 m/s, rotor rotation of 2.2 rad/s and 48.7 m length using dedicated wind turbine aerodynamic profiles by the systematization of the methodology in use. Through the blade element theory (BET) with computation of losses developed by Schmitz [1], we came to the automation of the development of this component with the aid of computational tools such as electronic tables and the CAD environment. In this way, the present work not only resulted in a new wind turbine blade geometry, but also in a systematization of the dimensioning methodology, which allows the development of infinite geometries, by simply changing the key criteria that describes the meteorological conditions and the parameters of generation, giving rise to a wide industrial application.
Databáze: OpenAIRE