Clonal and Micropropagation

Autor: M Nakhooda, SM Jain
Rok vydání: 2017
DOI: 10.1016/b978-0-12-394807-6.00144-1
Popis: In vitro asexual propagation of plants has formed the basis for the establishment of several commercial plant tissue culture companies worldwide. This approach can provide plant material year-round to consumers. Plant propagation by tissue culture is achieved using various types of explants, such as whole plant organs, cell suspension cultures, and somatic embryos. Moreover, there are numerous research and commercial applications of in vitro culture, including conservation of valuable elite genetic resources, multiplication and propagation of recalcitrant plants, and large-scale production of phytochemicals. Among plant tissue culture techniques, micropropagation of plants via organogenesis has benefited substantially in the horticultural, agricultural, and forestry industries. In this article, the various conditions are considered, including the temporary immersion bioreactor (RITA), different stages of plant regeneration, and plant growth regulators used in the in vitro clonal propagation of plants. Molecular marker-based genetic fidelity determination of in vitro regenerated plants that make in vitro propagation a reliable technology for true-to-type plant production is also discussed.
Databáze: OpenAIRE