O[sup 5+] observations from various solar wind speeds

Autor: Dieter Hovestadt, F. M. Ipavich, Kay-Uwe Reiche, Heiner Grünwaldt, B. Wilken, Matthias R. Aellig, Martin Hilchenbach
Rok vydání: 1999
Zdroj: AIP Conference Proceedings.
Popis: A first measure of O5+ abundance was recently published (5) on the basis of Ulysses data in a high speed solar wind stream. The favourable conditions of first months of SOHO exposed to an essentially undisturbed slow interstream solar wind in combination with the high sensitivity of the CELIAS/CTOF instrument made it possible to extend this result through a variety of speeds from 295 km/s up to 565 km/s. The ratios of O6+(O7+) with respect to O5+ turn out between 520 and 280 (275 and 12), and seem to extrapolate smoothly down to the published Ulysses values.
Databáze: OpenAIRE