The Historical Foundation of Pediatric Critical Care

Autor: Ásdís Finnsdóttir Wagner, Laura Miller-Smith, John D. Lantos
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Bioethics in the Pediatric ICU: Ethical Dilemmas Encountered in the Care of Critically Ill Children ISBN: 9783030009427
Popis: The history of pediatric critical care is laid out within this chapter. It demonstrates how the development of medicine for critically ill infants and children has been advanced by those who were willing to push boundaries. Critical care required the development of medical technology that some questioned as being cruel and certainly experimental. Others pushed against stigmas of who was worth saving. Certainly issues of resource allocation, and where and by whom care should be delivered, has been present since the beginning. Understanding the history of pediatric critical care, and understanding that questions of ethical permissibility have been present since the beginning, helps create a framework for understanding the ethical questions and dilemmas of today.
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