The Role of High-performance Work Practices and Personality Traits on Employee Innovative Work Behaviors

Autor: P. R. D. Wijesingha, R.S.S.W. Arachchi
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Asian Journal of Management Studies. 1:54
ISSN: 2783-851X
Popis: The purpose of this study is to investigate the aggregate spectrum of human resources practices that drive employee innovative work performance and apply a theoretical lens based on the theory of trait activation. This study is predominantly designed as a quantitative study based on the positivistic paradigm to identify high performance work practices and employee personality traits to enhance the employee innovative work behavior in five-star hotels. Primary data has been collected by distributing a self-administered questionnaire. The sample for this study is drawn from five-star hotels in the capital city of Sri Lanka; 145 responses were analyzed using correlation and SEM bootstrapping. The results indicated that high-performance work practices are positively relating to employee innovative work behaviors in five-star hotels. Further, employee’s personality traits (openness and conscientiousness) indirectly predicted high-performance work practices and innovative work behaviors.
Databáze: OpenAIRE