Local Culture Inventory for Disaster Mitigation Learning

Autor: Bachtiar Akob, Joko Hariadi, Ramdan Afrian, Zukya Rona Islami
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 412:012017
ISSN: 1755-1315
Popis: Indonesia is a country that is vulnerable to disasters. The position of Indonesia which is located at the confluence of several plates in the world makes the potential for disaster to be high. Realizing this, the government responded by issuing regulations on disaster mitigation learning at the secondary school level. Mitigation learning can be absorbed perfectly; it should be taken as an example that is close to the community as an example of local culture. An example of good acculturation between culture and disaster is the Smong culture that is in Simeulue. The Smong culture helps save more lives than the area around it. Therefore, an inventory of local culture is needed which leads to disaster mitigation so that it can be absorbed and modified as an alternative in disaster mitigation learning. The method used is literature study. The results obtained in the form of an explanation of Aceh’s local culture relating to disaster mitigation, how the existence of Aceh’s local culture related to disaster mitigation, and how education can be a vehicle of existence from Aceh’s local culture in terms of disaster mitigation.
Databáze: OpenAIRE