Electromagnetic scattering by large and complex structures with surface equivalence principle algorithm

Autor: Pasi Ylä-Oijala, Matti Taskinen
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: Waves in Random and Complex Media. 19:105-125
ISSN: 1745-5049
DOI: 10.1080/17455030802585365
Popis: This paper discusses the application of the (surface) equivalence principle algorithm (EPA) in solving electromagnetic scattering by multiple metallic and dielectric objects of arbitrary shape. The EPA introduced earlier by Li, Chew and Jiang is generalized for an arbitrary number of metallic and dielectric scatterers and for an arbitrary surface integral equation formulation. The properties of the algorithm are investigated and discussed in detail. The major benefit of EPA is that it essentially improves the condition number of the system matrix. This is crucial when the matrix equation is solved iteratively, e.g. with Krylov subspace methods. The conditioning of the matrix equation due to EPA is found to be almost independent of the surface integral equation formulation. This is a significant difference compared to the traditional method of moments and fast multipole methods where the conditioning of the matrix depends strongly on the underlying surface integral equation formulation. Another result is t...
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