Compact Microstrip Patch Antennas on 3-D Printed Substrates with Dielectric Loading

Autor: Nicholas Piaquadio, Reena Dahle
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting.
Popis: In this paper, dielectric loading with a high dielectric constant material is investigated for the design of a compact, inset-fed patch antenna using a hybrid 3-D printing approach. Two loading patterns are presented that allow the reduction of the antenna’s resonant frequency without increasing its size. Using the substrate loading configurations developed, a resonant frequency identical to that of a purely high dielectric substrate (42% drop from 2.44 GHz to 1.39 GHz) is realized, with a 2 to 4 dB improvement in gain compared to that of the purely high dielectric substrate. Moreover, when compared to the conventional approach to increasing antenna size in order to achieve the same 42% drop in frequency, this design offers a 66% reduction in surface area. The low cost and ease of manufacture furthermore renders these patterns useful to realize compact patch antennas while maintaining good RF performance, thereby offering increased design flexibility.
Databáze: OpenAIRE