Alluvial Sapphires from Montana: Inclusions, Geochemistry, and Indications of a Metasomatic Origin

Autor: Eric Buter, Regina Mertz-Kraus, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Robert E. Kane
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Gems & Gemology. 51:370-391
ISSN: 0016-626X
Popis: Source rocks of alluvial sapphires in Montana have never been discovered. However, inclusions and geochemistry may give clues on their original source. A parcel of faceted sapphires (total weight of 702.63 carats), has been studied. These sapphires had been previously removed from the faceted gem-sapphire inventory of the American Gem Corporation (AGC) because of their (relatively) many inclusions. The parcel mainly contained sapphires from Rock Creek, but also a few stones from Dry Cottonwood Creek and from the Eldorado Bar deposit on the Missouri River could be included, due to mixing of small quantities from those deposits, by the AGC, in the mid 1990s.
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