Sulphur Concentration in Imported Coal Around the Tamabil Area, Sylhet, Bangladesh

Autor: Mahamudul Hashan, M. Farhad Howladar, Labiba Nusrat Jahan
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: International Journal of Environmental Monitoring and Analysis. 4:27
ISSN: 2328-7659
Popis: Bangladesh imports large amount of Indian coal every year in order to partly fulfill the demand of solid fuel. This research presents the quality and concentration of sulphur in imported coal. To accomplish the goal, twelve coal samples were collected from imported coal deposits of Tamabil, Sylhet in different times. Results show that the sulphur content ranges from 1.42-5.3 wt% meaning that the imported coal is high sulphured low quality coal. The research also deals with the possibility of applying desulphurization techniques to trim down sulphur from this coal as this poor grade imported coal is not environment friendly and may cause severe health and environmental problems. It was found that, reducing sulphur content from such a high value to less than acceptable limit is very much expensive which might not be affordable for Bangladesh.
Databáze: OpenAIRE